

Our mission is to monitor, review, summarize, analyze and share views on the dynamics of technology, innovation, and related policies within the context of applicable theories and historical lessons.

We begin the journey by tracking, reviewing and summarizing updates. We proceed to analyze those updates within the context of applicable theories of science, economics, and management of technology, innovation, policies, and history. Such analysis is critical for interpreting the innovation dynamics of the past and present for predicting the likely future. Upon doing so, we share our views. It’s our understanding that with consistent consumption of such insights, readers will gather day by day deeper as well as wider intellectual insights to interpret the past, assess the current situation, and predict the likely unfolding future of technology innovation dynamics. Such intellectual capability appears to be at the core to empower different actors to play their roles in a smarter way than before to leverage technology, innovation, and policies to accelerate wealth creation and progression of civilization.


By providing insights about the dynamics of technology, innovation, and policies, our objective is to enlighten and empower students, entrepreneurs, academics, families, professionals, businesses, financing organizations, policymakers, and the governments so that they can take increasingly smarter decisions in nurturing innovative ideas into the profitable return–benefiting all of us in an inclusive and equitable manner.


Our vision is to make this knowledge platform as the first port of call for all major actors from across the world to understand and decide about Technology, Innovation and Policy issues.

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